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Alt- Light Goons Humiliated After Boston 'Free Speech' Rally Swarmed With Counter- Protesters. Last week’s violent, unhinged white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which culminated in a terror attack which killed Heather Heyer and wounded dozens of others, seems to have left the digital far- right in a sorry state indeed.
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Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and The media has remained mostly silent as the centenary of the Bolshevik revolution has come and now gone. After all, the media does not want to appear too biased in.

A “Free Speech Rally” in Boston which days ago was making city officials nervous it could be a repeat ended in total embarrassment on Saturday. CNN reported just a few dozen attendees faced off against thousands upon thousands of counter- protesters; the right- wingers found themselves so outnumbered they canceled the rally early and left under police guard. Participants didn’t realize “how unplanned of an event it was going to be,” congressional candidate Samson Racioppi told WCVB- TV. I really think it was supposed to be a good event by the organizers but it kinda fell apart.”As the Anti- Defamation League noted, the organizers behind this particular rally were not quite the horde of “alt- right” Klansmen, Nazis, white supremacists and neo- Confederates that wrecked Charlottesville. Instead, it was a bevy of crypto- fascist “alt light” social media personalities including Proud Boys “military wing” member Augustus Invictus, “Hip Hop Patriot” Jeremy Herrell and former Info. Watch What Would Jesus Buy? Online Hitfix. Wars contributor and Pizzagate ringleader Joe Biggs. Also on the list was Kyle Chapman, who became pseudo- famous after a video of him beating an anti- fascist activist with a stick went viral.
These people can no longer show their faces offline anymore without being mobbed—they’re all either too scared of getting doxxed or busy furiously backpedaling now that their entire movement is associated with the naked terrorism on display in Charlottesville. Far- right digital personalities like Tim Gionet (Baked Alaska) and Millennial Matt are no longer able to get away with explaining away shouting neo- Nazi slogans and carrying torches as irony- laden trolling, certainly now that the movement has smashed into reality. Frankly, it looks like the alt- light people are now also being recognized for what they are: If not racists themselves, a gaggle of yelping fanatics that serve as their de facto collaborators. At least for today, that means both the hardcore alt- right white supremacists and their alt- light camp followers are being driven back online to 4chan, 8chan, Breitbart- style media knockoffs and the seedier wings of Twitter.
Coupled with numerous crackdowns on the far- right movement’s ability to organize and fundraise online, this will also damage the small cottage industry in grifting it’s spawned. It’s not the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but things just got a lot harder for these folks.[CNN].
Twin Peaks’ Review: Showtime Revival. The first season of Twin Peaks remains one of the most satisfying viewing experiences of my life. When the 9. 0- minute pilot debuted on ABC on April 8, 1. I was instantly slayed.
It was like the TV gods took all of my favorite things — a compelling, suspenseful murder mystery, mountain- high emotional stakes, rich characters, measured quirkiness — and rolled them into one series. RELATEDTwin Peaks Revival Premiere Recap: The Meaning of the Box Is Threefold? But like many Twin Peaks fans, I broke up with the series midway into Season 2, when David Lynch’s maiden television voyage became too weird and inscrutable for its own good. And with the Laura Palmer mystery essentially wrapped up, there was nothing holding all of the craziness together. I continued watching, but it became a chore. And by the time the series began turning itself around in the final episodes, it was already too late: The legacy of Twin Peaks was forever stained in my mind. And the woeful feature film Fire Walk With Me only made matters worse.)I was counting on the Showtime rebirth to give my Twin Peaks love story the happy ending that I was denied 2.
And when I spoke to co- creator Mark Frost back in October 2. I practically begged him to promise me that the continuation would do just that.
It’s our hope that these episodes will give the fans everything they felt they hadn’t gotten the last time we left off,” he assured me. Now, having seen the 1.

Sunday at 9/8c), it’s hard not to feel like I’ve been completely, utterly duped. The two- hour kickoff did not repair the damage wrought by Season 2. If anything, it was like taking a sip of damn fine coffee after learning that someone had stuck a fish in the pot.
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To say I was disappointed by the revival’s indulgent, incomprehensible, taxing opening act would be a towering understatement. I won’t even attempt to break down the central storyline because, well, there is no central storyline. There are five or six narrative threads that are randomly intercut throughout the two hours featuring mostly new and uninteresting characters played by actors as wooden as the nightstand drawer pull in which Josie was trapped, and scenes that dragged on for what felt like eternity. Yes, Kyle Mac. Lachlan’s Dale Cooper snags a fair amount of screen time, but he’s not channeling our beloved G- man.
Instead, he toggles between Mute Cooper (of Black Lodge fame) and Evil Agent Cooper (of possessed- by- Bob infamy), the latter of whom appears to be working as some kind of hitman. The sight of Mac. Lachlan decked out as a psychotic Elvis Presley, while initially amusing, mostly just makes me miss good Agent Cooper all the more. I have to assume he’ll eventually show up, but, man, he would’ve been a welcome, grounding presence in this two- hour opener. I’m going to refrain from summarizing the other “plots” (I’ll leave that unenviable task to my colleague and Twin Peaks recapper Kim Roots), except to say one features a Laura Palmer- like murder in South Dakota, one revolves around a mysterious glass box/alien portal in New York City, and one is set in good ol’ Twin Peaks and features, most movingly, the return of the late Catherine Coulson as the ailing Log Lady. I have to imagine at some point in the 1. I’m not certain I will have the patience to stick around to find out.
None of them came close to hooking me the way the Laura Palmer mystery did. Not a single one featured a character I was invested in. Staying the course almost feels like an exercise in masochism, especially considering Lynch (who directed all 1.
If this were an actual movie, I would’ve left the theater the moment it became clear the most interesting character was a tree branch with a brain attached to it. Heck, any tree branch with a brain would’ve walked out, too. THE TVLINE BOTTOM LINE: Showtime’s Twin Peaks revival took all of the problems that plagued Season 2 and Fire Walk With Me, amplified them and stretched them out for two extremely long hours. To put it bluntly, we were handed the equivalent of a giant stinky log.