South Park 13 Season Episode 10
Margaritaville - Full Episode - Season 1. Ep 0. 3Do I really have todo this, Dad ? Stan, now more than ever,you need to understand theimportance of saving money. But Grandma said. I could use this moneyto buy whatever I want.
Okay, next please ! Go on, Stanley. How can I help you,young man ?
I got a $1. 00 checkfrom my grandmaand my dad said. I need to put in the bankso it can grow overthe years.
Well, that's fantastic. A really smart decision,young man.

The thirteenth season of South Park, an American animated television comedy series, originally aired in the United States on Comedy Central between March 11 and. In order to make the wait for the hottest new gaming console pass quickly, Cartman freezes himself. But a freak accident lands him over 500 years in the future. Randy steps forward with a solution to fix the desperate state of the economy.
We can put that check ina money- market mutual fund,then we'll reinvestthe earnings intoforeign- currency accountswith compounding interest and it's gone ! Uh, what ? It's gone,it's all gone. What's all gone ? The money in your account,it didn't do too well. It's gone. What do you mean ?

I have $1. 00. Not anymoreyou don't- - poof. Well, what can I doto get back my- -I'm sorry, sir,but this line is forbank members only. I just openedan account ! Do you have any moneyinvested with this bank ? No, you just lost it all. Then please stand asidefor people who actuallyhave money with us.
Next please ! Hey ! Hello, Mrs. Farnickle,how are you today ? Making a deposit are we ? Great, we can just put thatinto your retirement accountand make it go to workfor you and it's gone.
What ? Sorry, yeah, that's gone. Please step aside forpeople who actuallyhave moneywith the bank. Next please. Dad ! Hey, I'm trying to teach my sonthe importance of savings !
You alreadylost his money ? Oh, Mr. Marsh,don't worry, we can justtransfer moneyfrom your account intoa portfolio with your son's- -aaaand it's gone !
This line is for people whohave money with the bank only. Please step aside ! An economic crisishas hit South Parkand the nationlike never before. Another South Park bankhas closed down,leaving thousandsof people in debt. It's just crazy,you know ? Everyone's affected by it. It's like allthe money just vanished.
It's really terrifying. We've got no money topay our mortgage now. We could very easilylose our house.
Hi, Grandma ! First the moneystarted goin'and now everyone'sgettin' laid off work ! They took our jobs !
They took our jobs ! Derk er derrrrrr ! Deeerkerrdrrr ! Deeerkerrrrrrdrrrr ! Just how far willthe economy fall ? We asked economic reporter.
Dan Banks for his assessment. We'll have the rest of Dan'sinterview tonight at 1.
Oh, Jesus Christ. Sliced hot dogsand tomato slices ?! You said we had to becareful with our money. I've got nothing fora food budget ! Mom, Dad, how comethere's suddenly no money ? I'll tell youwhat happened, son. See, there's a bunchof idiots out therewho weren't happywith what they had.
They wanted a bigger houseand materialistic thingsthat they didn't even need- -people with no money who gotloans to buy frivolous thingsthey had no business buying. And these assholes justblindly started buyingany stupid thingthat looked appealingbecause they thought moneywas endless. It goes back to when thegovernment had the ideathat everyone in Americadeserves to own a house..( Margaritaville whirring )So we have people having a hardtime paying their loans,meaning less money coming in. And the idiots couldn'tsee that by doingall this frivolous spendingthey were mocking The Economy. And they made The Economyvery angry. We're all feeling. The Economy's vengeancebecause of materialisticheathenswho did stupidthings with their money.
Do you understand, son ? Yeah, I think I get it. And so why is oureconomy failing us ? The government tookour economy for grantedand now we are all herepaying the price ! How long will we sitand watch our economy fall... And so I say to you,do not listen tothe Wall Street brokers,for th are the ones who put usin this situation ! Fat cats with corporate greed.
They are the ones who knowinglydrove us down this pathway..( Cartman )Where has all the money gone ? It must havegone somewhere. The answer is obvious,my friends. It is the Jews- -covetous Jews,who have taken all our moneyand hoarded it forthemselves,hidden all the cashin some..
Chairman. Everyone has evenstopped using electricityso as to stop payingelectrical bills. You've really done anamazing thing, Mr.
Marsh. People have learned tohold on to their moneyso as not tofeel the stingof The Economy'smighty sword. I am pretty smart, yea.
But I have assembled this. Economic Committeeto make sure thateveryone sticks to my new plan. We've got guards postedat the mallsto make sure nobody getstempted to buy dumb stuff.
And Pat Saltzman is doinghouse checks to make surenobody's ordering anythingstupid on- line. Then perhaps soon our. Economy will return to us.
Council, I bring newsof discord ! A young Jew wasin the town squarespeaking blasphemyabout The Economy. What ? He was saying thatyour ideas are falseand The Economy is notvengeful ! He was rallyingpeople to spend more ! Spend more ? What mockery is this ?
Relax, Father Maxi. What harm can one Jewdo against our. Economic Recovery Movement ?
I was in a field,and I had Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Warsright next to me. But thenthe sky went blackand Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Warsjust melted in my hands.( sobbing )What's that ? Excuse me, we need toborrow your squirrels ! What ?( Mr. Garrison )No, please, please ! You have sinned ! Oh, Jesus,I'm sorry, please !
What's going on ? Garrison, you have broughtyour filth to this townfor the last time ! What did he do ? Your teacher was caught buyinga Kitchen. Aid stand mixerat Bed Bath & Beyond. Take thy punishment,heathen !
Ahghghgghgh ! Hey, hey,stop it, stop ! Move aside, kid, he mustpay for his stand mixer ! Come on, this isridiculous ! What's ridiculousabout hucking squirrelsat a man who has angered. The Economy ? Just have a littlecompassion, huh ?!
I mean, everyone's gone outand bought something stupid. It's not so bad. Whichever of you guyshas neverbought anything frivolousgo ahead and huckthe next squirrel. Ugh !( bell dinging )Excuse me ?
Excuse me ?! I'd like to return this. Margaritaville please. Margaritaville ? My dad bought iton a payment planthat was set up bya finance companywhich got their principalinvestors from somebody here.
Oh, that makes sense. Watch Paranormal Activity 3 Online Ibtimes. It does ? You see, son, we lumpedthousands of these.
Margaritavilleinstallment plans togetherinto Margaritaville- basedsecurities,then chopped thosesecurities up in a waythat we could sellthem to banks. So I can return itto a bank ? Nope. Because a bunch of peoplelike you are defaultingon their Margaritavillesso the Government had to buythe Margaritaville assetsfrom the banks. What ?! Just talk to the Treasury. Department in DC. They're the ones who reallyunderstand how all this works. Oh, sell, sell, sell, sell,sell, sell, sell !
Agh ! Listen, this isall you need to know. The Economy is nota supernatural,all- knowing entity. The Economy is just an ideamade up by peoplethousands of years ago. The Economyis not realand yet it is real. Nowadays they'llgive credit cardsto practically anyone whoapplies for them. I applied for thisyesterday to prove a point.
It is an American Express. Platinum card. It has no spending limit.( gasping )Do not be afraid. This is only plastic. It's just somethingmade up by people. Truly meaningless untilwe put our faith in it. Faith is what makesan Economy exist. Without faith.. it is only plastic cardsand paper money.
Jewis not letting up. He is still going aroundconvincing peopleto have faith in. The Economy by shopping. We've done everything we canand yet The Economyhas not improved. Worse, it has declined. Poor Bart here justlost his jobat Little Caesars Pizza. Our tireless work is obviouslybeing underminedby this one Jew.
Why does he go aroundpretending to knowthe true willof The Economy ? Perhaps, he is The Economy'sonly son, sent to save us. Are you retarded,Stotch ?!
The Economy is omnipotent,which means itcan do anything. So saying it would belimited to one sonis fucking stupid !
That is stupid, yea. And going around telling peopleto shop is dangerous. Well, then there'sonly one option.
We have tokill the Jew. Yep, I think we gottakill the Jew. I don't know. He's got a lotof support. It might be hard toeven catch this Jew.( high- pitched screeching )Did somebody saycatch a Jew ?
South Park - Wikipedia. South Park is an American adultanimated sitcom created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and developed by Brian Graden for the Comedy Centraltelevision network. The show revolves around four boys—Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny Mc. Cormick—and their bizarre adventures in and around the titular Colorado town. Much like The Simpsons, South Park uses a very large ensemble cast of recurring characters and became infamous for its profanity and dark, surreal humor that satirizes a wide range of topics towards a mature audience.
Parker and Stone developed the show from The Spirit of Christmas, two consecutive animated shorts created in 1. The latter became one of the first Internet viral videos, ultimately leading to South Park's production. It debuted in August 1. Subsequent ratings have varied but it remains one of Comedy Central's highest rated shows, and is slated to air in new episodes through 2. Parker and Stone perform most of the voice acting for the show's male characters.
Since 2. 00. 0, each episode has typically been written and produced in the week preceding its broadcast, with Parker serving as the primary writer and director. There have been a total of 2. South Park has received numerous accolades, including five Primetime Emmy Awards, a Peabody Award, and numerous inclusions in various publications' lists of greatest television shows. The show's popularity resulted in a feature- length theatrical film, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut which was released in June 1. Academy Award. In 2. TV Guide ranked South Park the tenth Greatest TV Cartoon of All Time. The boys live in the fictional small town of South Park, located within the real- life South Park basin in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado.
They are best friends, and their friendship, symbolically intended to reflect Parker and Stone's friendship. Eric Cartman (usually nicknamed by his surname only) is loud, obnoxious, and amoral, often portrayed as an antagonist. His anti- Semitic attitude has resulted in a progressive rivalry with Kyle, although the deeper reason is the strong clash between Kyle's strong morality and Cartman's complete lack of such.
During the show's first five seasons, Kenny would die in nearly every episode before returning in the next with little- to- no definitive explanation given. He was written out of the show's sixth season in 2.
Since then, Kenny's death has been seldom used by the show's creators. During the show's first 5. In the season four episode . All celebrity voices are impersonated... The following program contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone. During earlier seasons, this speech would commonly begin with a variation of the phrase . Brian Graden, Fox network executive and mutual friend, commissioned Parker and Stone to create a second short film as a video Christmas card.
Created in 1. 99. The Spirit of Christmas short resembled the style of the later series more closely. Frosty, and the second short as Jesus vs. Graden sent copies of the video to several of his friends, and from there it was copied and distributed, including on the internet, where it became one of the first viral videos. Santa became more popular, Parker and Stone began talks of developing the short into a television series. Fox refused to pick up the series, not wanting to air a show that included the character Mr.
Hankey, a talking piece of feces. Parker preferred the show be produced by Comedy Central, fearing that MTV would turn it into a kids show. However, the shorts were still gaining more popularity over the Internet, and Comedy Central agreed to order a run of six episodes. As opposed to the pilot, which took three months to complete. Using computers as an animation method, the show's production staff were able to generate an episode in about three weeks during the first seasons. Former staff writers include Pam Brady, who has since written scripts for the films Hot Rod, Hamlet 2 and Team America: World Police (with Parker and Stone), and Nancy Pimental, who served as co- host of Win Ben Stein's Money and wrote the film The Sweetest Thing after her tenure with the show during its first three seasons. The episode was rescheduled to air a week later on October 2.
Subsequent episodes have been produced by computer animation, providing a similar look to the originals while requiring a fraction of the time to produce. Before computer artists begin animating an episode, a series of animatics drawn in Toon Boom are provided by the show's storyboard artists. Most child characters are the same size and shape, and are distinguished by their clothing, hair and skin colors, and headwear. Their movements are animated in an intentionally jerky fashion, as they are purposely not offered the same free range of motion associated with hand- drawn characters. Canadians on the show are often portrayed in an even more minimalist fashion; they have simple beady eyes, and the top halves of their heads simply flap up and down when the characters speak.
The show's visual quality has improved in recent seasons. Portions of the season eight (2. Mona Marshall and Eliza Schneider succeeded Bergman, with Schneider leaving the show after its seventh season (2. She was replaced by April Stewart, who, along with Marshall, continues to voice most of the female characters. Bergman was originally listed in the credits under the alias Shannen Cassidy to protect her reputation as the voice of several Disney and other kid- friendly characters. Slave, the former gay lover of Mr.
The recorded audio is then edited with Pro Tools, and the pitch is altered to make the voice sound more like that of a fourth grader. Celebrities who have voiced themselves include Michael Buffer.
During South Park's earliest seasons, several high- profile celebrities inquired about guest- starring on the show. As a joke, Parker and Stone responded by offering low- profile, non- speaking roles, most of which were accepted; George Clooney provided the barks for Stan's dog Sparky in the season one (1. The show also frequently features scenes in which its characters have disapproving reactions to the performances of certain popular musicians. Berry also used signature acoustic guitar and mandolin cues as leitmotifs for the show's establishing shots. Dunlap reads a script, creates a score using digital audio software, and then e- mails the audio file to South Park Studios, where it is edited to fit with the completed episode. These songs were original compositions written by Parker, and performed by Hayes in the same sexually suggestive R& B style he had utilized during his own music career. The band DVDA, which consists of Parker and Stone, along with show staff members Bruce Howell and D.
A. Young, would perform the music for these compositions, and, until the character's death on the show, were listed as . Korn debuted their single . Kenny's muffled lines are altered after every few seasons. His lines are usually sexually explicit in nature, such as his original lines being . It was deemed too long for the opening sequence. So Parker and Stone sped up it for the show's opening, having the band's lead singer Claypool re- record his vocals.
The instrumental version of the original composition, though, is often played during the show's closing credits and is wordless. Its tempo is fast in the opening and more leisurely in the closing credits. It is in the minor key and it features a tritone or a diminished fifth, creating a melodic dissonance, which captures the show's surrealistic nature. In season 4 and 5, the opening melody has an electro funk arrangement with pop qualities. Seasons 6- 9 have a sprightly bluegrass instrumentation with a usage of banjo and is set in the major key. For the latter seasons, the arrangement is electro rock, and they feature electric guitars backed up by synthesized, groovy drumbeats. In Australia, the show is broadcast on The Comedy Channel, SBS (Season 1–1.