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The THR 1. 00: Hollywood Reporter's Most Powerful People in Entertainment. Jeffrey Mayer/Wire. Image/Getty Images. With her rise in the coming months to chairman and CEO (as Gianopulos, 6.
Snider, 5. 5, will preside over the second- hottest studio at the 2. Disney). Watts, 4. The Martian ($6. 30 million). BIG WINDeadpool ($7. Watts film, is the top- grossing R- rated title ever. BIG BET Will the executive shakeup work out?
Fox's future is all about the next Avatar films — and filmmaker James Cameron's strongest relationship at the studio is with Gianopulos.***What's the least powerful thing about your life? SNIDER I don’t think about my life in terms of power. I think about my life in terms of meaning. WATTS The list expands daily. GIANOPULOS Managing my really smart and independent daughters. I can't get through a day without …SNIDER Quiet time to think (and tea!).
WATTS Many espressos. GIANOPULOS Sugar- free Red Bull. Watch Santa Claus Megavideo on this page. I know, don't tell me.)Who's your most important adviser? SNIDER My husband, Gary Jones.
WATTS Jonathan Krauss. GIANOPULOS My wife, Ann, who is amazing, beloved by all (and certainly by me) and always tells me the truth while making it easier to accept. In high school, I was …SNIDER A lot like I am today.
- Cohen ble født i en jødisk middelklassefamilie i Montréal i Québec-provinsen i Canada, i det velstående Westmount-strøket. Familien hadde hushjelp og bil med.
- En pahalı yapımlar (enflasyon düzeltilmesi yapılmamış) Bu listede 150.000.000 Amerikan doları nominal değeri üzerinde bir bütçe ile yapılan yapımlar.
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THR presents its first ranking of the industry's most powerful execs, creatives, stars, producers, directors and reps. Is there a desert you wouldn´t walk across to spend five minutes with either of these beauties? In appreciation for your help, I invite to watch videos of this.
Fetița de 8 ani pe nume Elsa, prințesa Arendelle, are abilitatea de a crea zăpadă și gheață. Într-o noapte, în timp ce se juca, o rănește accidental pe.

WATTS Younger. GIANOPULOS In a Rolling Stones cover band (and unsuccessfully pretending to be Keith Richards). What's your hidden talent? SNIDER I can change from work clothes to sweats in record time. WATTS A really loud two- fingered whistle. GIANOPULOS I can discern meaning in half- a- dozen languages I don't speak.
If I could have lunch with anyone, living or dead, I'd choose …SNIDER Martin Luther King Jr. WATTS Vanessa Nadal and Lin- Manuel Miranda. GIANOPULOS Ernest Hemingway, and he could pick the place. The first powerful person I ever met was …SNIDER My teachers at Friends' Central School had the greatest influence on my life (after my parents).
But, given their Quaker affiliation, they would not have considered themselves powerful. WATTS Diane Von Furstenberg. GIANOPULOS My father, who overcame odds that still humble anything I've done. And also, the Queen of England (but not at the same time). Have you seen Hamilton and how many times? SNIDER Yes, off- Broadway and then on Broadway. WATTS Yes, I love it!
I've been twice. GIANOPULOS Yes, I've seen Hamilton, and even managed to close my dropped jaw long enough to think of something to say to Lin- Manuel Miranda. I told him I had never experienced anything so exalted that so surpassed its expectation.
En pahalı filmler listesi - Vikipedi. Watch Temptation: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor Full Movie there. Hollywood'un muhasebesinin gizli doğası gereği şimdiye kadar yapılmış olan en pahalı filmin hangisi olduğu açık değildir. Karayip Korsanları: Ölü Adamın Sandığı ve onun devamı Karayip Korsanları: Dünyanın Sonu 4. ABD Doları kombine bütçe ile birlikte üretilerek bu filmleri en pahalı yapım yapmaktadır.
Sadece Karayip Korsanları: Dünyanın Sonu filmine birçok maliyeti önceki filmle paylaşılmasına rağmen 3. Bu filmlerden önce Spider- Man 3 resmi rakamlarla $ 2. Bazı spekülasyonlara göre ise Avatar filmi 2.
Bu listede sadece kamuya açık yayınlanan filmler yer almaktadır. Maliyetler devam eden üretim sürecinde değişebileceği için, üretim aşamasında, post prodüksiyon ya da sadece ilan edilmiş filmleri içermez. Reklam, duyuru, afiş vb gibi promosyon maliyetleri hariç gerçek film maliyetleri (negatif maliyet) listede yer almaktadır. Liste de bilinen resmi bütçe rakamları belirtilmiştir. Birçok stüdyo gerçek üretim maliyetleri açısından açıklama yapmadığından dolayı profesyonel araştırmacılar ve film endüstrisi yazarları tarafından verilen bilgiler dikkate alınmıştır.
En pahalı yapımlar (enflasyon düzeltilmesi yapılmamış)[değiştir kaynağı değiştir]Bu listede 1. Amerikan doları nominal değeri üzerinde bir bütçe ile yapılan yapımlar listelenmektedir. Enflasyonun etkileri nedeniyle, 2. Waterworld (1. 99. Kabul edilen resmi rakam. En pahalı yapımlar (enflasyon düzeltilmesi yapılmış)[değiştir kaynağı değiştir]Cleopatra enflasyona göre düzeltilmiş maliyet açısından halen gelmiş geçmiş en pahalı filmler arasındadır. Burada listelenen yapımlar yayın yılı baz alınarak Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi ile enflasyona göre düzeltilerek eklenmiştir.[1.
Kullandıkları enflasyon ölçüsüne ve tahmini orijinal bütçeye bağımlı olduğu için enflasyona göre düzeltilmiş sıralama farklılık gösterebilmektedir. Sovyet film serisi Savaş ve Barış, 1. Filmin gösterimi döneminde Amerikan basınına dağıtılan rakamlara göre film serisi yaklaşık 1. ABD dolarına mal edilmiş ve bu da enflasyon düzeltmesi ile günümüzde 7. Ancak finansal kayıtlar 9. Resmi kabul edilmiş rakam.^abcde.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End were produced together on a combined budget of $4. Budget overruns reportedly pushed the final cost of the joint production up to a total of $5. The individual budget estimates conjecture how the overall budget was divided between the two films, but many of the costs are indivisible such as the fees for the actors who appeared in both films and would most likely have been contracted for a single fee, and the cost of the sets common to both films.[8]^ab.
Estimates for Avatar's cost have varied considerably with some as high as $5. The $5. 00 million figure also incorporates the $1.
D cameras and motion capture technology which were independently financed by private investors and none of which are included in the production cost.[1. Recent estimates put the production costs at about $3. New Zealand is expected to reduce the final bill by $2. Avatar was initially budgeted at $1. A further $1 million per minute were spent on the nine minutes of extra footage in Avatar: Special Edition.[1.
Expenditure on The Dark Knight Rises is estimated to be about $2. Some estimates put the production budget for Men in Black 3 at nearly $2. New York is expected to bring the final cost down to about $2.
The official cost of The Amazing Spider- Man is unknown; however, various estimates put its cost at $2. New Line Cinema claim that Jack the Giant Slayer cost $1. The production budget for Terminator 3 was initially set at $1.
Other estimates put the initial budget at $1. A spokesman for Universal stated that Robin Hood cost $1.
The Wrap obtained a purported copy of the budget showing expenditure totalling $2. Summit Entertainment projected a total cost of $2. After tax rebates, Part 1 cost $1. Part 2 cost $1. 20 million.[1. The $1. 00 million figure, based on Soviet statements, appeared frequently in the U.
S. press in 1. 96. War and Peace was released in the country. The New York Times reported it was "the most expensive film ever made.. Russians say cost $1. New York Magazine asserted that "what the Russians estimate to be the equivalent of $1.
Other, conflicting estimates were issued by the Soviets to news outlets in other countries (see War and Peace: Budget). Yet, the protocols of the Soviet State Committee for Cinematography from 2. August 1. 96. 4 record a meeting of the agency's directors in which a final budget of 8. Soviet ruble was approved for the series; it included all expenses to be made, including 2. Soviet Ministry of Defense, which supplied thousands of soldiers as extras and other assistance.[1. According to the producers' financial statements, compiled after the work on the series was completed in August 1. Soviet ruble[1. 21]—or $9,2.
It is technically impossible to adjust the ruble for inflation since the Soviet Union did not formally acknowledge it; instead, the USSR would periodically reprice everything from goods to labour to services. Inflation is usually measured in Western free market economies using aprice index such as the Consumer price index, but no such measure existed in the case of the Soviet Union. However, it is possible to measure the increase in average annual earnings in the Soviet Union and there is typically a strong correlation between average earnings and inflation.[1. In 1. 96. 5 the average annual wage in the Soviet Union was 1,1.
Soviet rubles,[1. Russia was 2. 3,6. Russian rubles (the Russian ruble replaced the Soviet ruble in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union), amounting to about 2. This puts salary inflation at approximately 2. Applying this rate of inflation to the original cost (8,2. War And Peace would yield an approximate amount of 2 billion Russian rubles. At an exchange rate of 3.
US dollar,[1. 25] this would be equivalent to US$6. Disney claim that Oz the Great and Powerful cost $2. A knowledgeable source says the first two installments cost $3. Jackson deferring his fee.
A studio source insists that number is wildly inflated and, with significant production rebates from New Zealand, the cost is closer to $2. Coyle, Jake (1. 4 December 2.
From 'Cleopatra' to 'Lord of the Rings,' 'Avatar' joins tradition of the Hollywood colossus". Los Angeles Times. December 2. 00. 9 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Olar. My. Erişim tarihi: 1.
December 2. 00. 9. ^abcde. Barnes, Brooks (2. November 2. 00. 9). Twilight' Dawns Bright at the Box Office".