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THIS OFFER IS SIMPLY OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! Revelation is launching it's new SQL Version. If you pre-Book your SQL Package before the launch date, you qualify for a 50%. Watch Return Of The Gunfighter Online Free HD.
Revelation Accounting. Cryptoware Attack on the Rise !!! It has recently come to our attention that the Ransom Software onslaught on PC’s, such as the Cryptoware Virus, is on the rise. Cryptoware writes code to your Microsoft Data Files (such as the MS- Access data that Revelation uses, and other Microsoft data such as Word Documents etc), and Encrypts them with a Lock File. You can then no longer access that Data. You will get a notification in some form or another that either your Data or in the latest case, the entire PC has been locked AND that you will have to pay a ransom amount to have the Data unlocked or retrieved.
In most cases, even if the ransom amount was paid, the data or PC remains encrypted. This seems to be only the beginning of things to come, as more and more people are looking for easy money. The onslaught is also not limited to one area in the world, but new variants are being cooked up all over. How does this effect Revelation Users? It is one thing to make regular backup’s, but quite another to look after such backups. We have noticed most of our clients ONLY rely on the Quick Backup engine in Revelation that makes a Backup to your local devices.
However, the Cryptoware also infects ANY backup or Device that is attached to the PC. The other, MUCH LARGER issue, is that most clients do not back up their ARCHIVE DATA. Initially this does not seem like a big problem, BUT, once the Auditors start calling for Historic data, you are in deep water. The Receiver of Revenue has now also increased the Advice requirements from 5 YEARS to 9 YEARS.
SARS has also legislated a ZERO Tolerance for non- compliance to the archiving rule, even if the failure is due to circumstances beyond your control (like Fire or in this case, a Virus attack). What can you do about this?
For a small fee increase to your SLA (See: http: //www. Products_Pricing. Options. aspx), we now offer an extended FTP Backup engine that also caters for Archive and Month- end Backups. As from the 1st of July 2. ALL your backup sets (Including Year- end Archives, Pre- Month- end and Quick Backups) to be backed up to the FTP Server. Dark Angel Season 2 Episode 11 Online.
How does it work? • First and foremost, you will need a reliable Internet connection. On existing Revelation, you will now notice a new Prompt for FTP Backupso Click on the FTP Backup option o Accept the Terms & Conditionso Select the Backup sets you would like to include• Send us a revised SLA that now includes the FTP Backup Optionso You may either download the SLA from our Websitehttp: //www. Demo. aspx. Oro You may click on [Help] in Revelation - Toolbar. Click on [Support Contract]• Regularly check your FTP backups by clicking on [Help] – FTP Backups. DO NOT BE CAUGHT OFF GUARD ON THIS ONE, YOUR FUTURE MAY DEPEND ON IT !!!
Disclaimer. It is Important to note that ONLY the Revelation Data is backed up. NO 3rd party data will be backed up!!! Further we can not guarantee the integrity of the data. If the data is corrupt at the time of backup, it will remain corrupt. See terms and conditions for full disclaimer details. Please contact Revelation on 0.
What is Apocalypse? Watch Big Fat Gypsy Gangster IMDB. Begin with Revelation 1 to understand this fascinating book: the 7 churches of Revelation, heavenly visions, prophecies, beasts, symbols. World events from a Biblical perspective. Discussion board, articles and receive by email. Ask Pastor John. Listen to John Piper answer tough theological and pastoral questions. Look at the Book. Watch John Piper mark the text on the screen, and learn to.