Voltron Force Season 2
- Characters found in Voltron: Legendary Defender. Spoilers for Season 1 are unmarked. Team Voltron Ace Pilot: They all develop some degree of this after.
- A new trailer for Voltron Legendary Defender Season 2 has been released online with the all new episodes set to hit Netflix on January 20.
- This is a list of episodes for the Nicktoons series Voltron Force. The show premiered on June 16, 2011 and aired episodes on Thursdays at 8:30PM EST.
- Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; No Archive Warnings Apply; Keith/Lance (Voltron) Allura/Shiro (Voltron) Hunk/Shay (Voltron) Keith (Voltron).
- Welcome to the Voltron Wiki Shiro Keith Pidge Lance Hunk See more characters.
Voltron: Legendary Defender (Western Animation)? That's got a nice ring to it. Allura: You five were brought here for a reason.
Together, you will form Voltron, the greatest weapon ever known, protector of the innocent, and our only hope to save the universe. Hunk: Geez, no pressure. Voltron: Legendary Defender is the newest Voltron series since Voltron Force was cut short in 2.
DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender © 2017 DreamWorks Animation LLC. TM World Events Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy
Unlike that show, however, Legendary Defenderreboots the concept and gives it a nice clean sweep to tell the tale anew. It is also the first Voltron series to be produced after the franchise was bought by Dream. Works Animation, among other titles. The show is produced by Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos, best known for their work on Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra and animated by Studio Mir (also known for its work on Korra). The series is being streamed on Netflix; the first season premiered on June 1. January 2. 0, 2. 01.
Netflix's 'Voltron Legendary Defender' Season 2 reunites the Paladins in their fight against the Galra Empire, now with new allies aiding in the rebellion.
Netflix expects the series to run for six seasons. Watch the teaser here and the official trailer here. Not only is she capable and fearless while piloting the Castle of Lions, using it for fire support, she's also surprisingly strong and badass physically, as we see in . Pidge as well, though she tends to lean more toward Action Survivor, but when given no other choice she manages to hold her own in a one- on- one.
Age Lift: Four of the Paladins were aged down (or, in Pidge's case, aged up) to their teens. Adaptation Distillation: Rather than changing up the series to appeal to what people THINK younger viewers like, thus inevitably falling afoul of the Nostalgia Goggles, Studio Mir & Co. Most notably Shiro was captured and experimented on by the Galra, and Pidge is actually a girl named Katie looking for her missing father and brother. In the original Voltron series, Blue Lion's original pilot was named Sven. However, his Go. Lion counterpart is named Takashi Shirogane. The Black Lion's pilot in Legendary Defender, who goes by the nickname Shiro in this continuity, shares his full name with the character from the Go. Lion anime. In a similar full- circle version of this trope, the villains in this series are named the Galra Empire, after the name of the villains from Go.
Lion (their leader is still named Zarkon, however). Sendak, the first Galra commander the team deals with, is visually based off the original series character Yurak, (Sadak in Go- Lion) as they both have an artificial eye and arm. Pidge's real name was given as Darrel . Pidge's real name is actually Katie Holt. Adaptation Personality Change: All over the place. While each team member's visual design has been adapted closely from their 8.
Examples include: Keith is now a hotshot loner, instead of the calm, collected leader. Hunk is a teddy bear, not a gruff man of action. Coran is eccentric comic relief and still, occasionally, a stoic source of wisdom. While she was never completely helpless, Allura is much more of a badass than her older counterparts. Adaptational Badass: In the original show, Voltron was the be- all- end- all solution.
Now all the Lions have their individual moments to shine, and the pilots get their moments out of the cockpit. Most notable is Coran who despite being a comical character has several badass moments. Zarkon was already badass, but now he can take on a Voltron Lion head- on, with no ship, just a sword. That his sword is the Black Bayard probably gives him an extra advantage. Robeasts actually get these. In the original, they were something for Voltron to fight, but not always threatening. In this, each Robeast gets an entire episode to itself, SOLELY for the fight.

Voltron: Legendary Defender is the newest Voltron series since Voltron Force was cut short in 2012. Unlike that show, however, Legendary Defender reboots. Created by Todd Garfield. With Giles Panton, Sam Vincent, Andrew Francis, Ashleigh Ball. The further adventures of the pilots of the Voltron lions with a new.
Adaptational Wimp: On the opposite end of the pilots and Lions, Voltron itself is hit pretty hard by this. For all the claims of it being the most powerful weapon in the universe, the individual Lions end up doing far more damage to the Galra forces. This could mostly be justified in that the 5 had only recently become Paladins while the previous team spent years forming Voltron. Zarkon also hints that Voltron has more power than is shown so far. This could also be due to the Black Bayard being in Zarkon's possession, rather than in Shiro's hands. Adaptation Origin Connection: Pidge and Shiro's backstories are expanded upon to tie them more directly to the Galra.
Alien Lunch: It seems the only food on the ship is an odd, green goo. Hunk doesn't seem to mind. Aliens Speaking English: All of the alien races in the show speak English and no explanation for it is ever attempted. Although there are some differences in terminology and pattern, such as Alteans keeping time via .
Written language, however, is completely different from written English, which causes a few problems. Aliens Steal Cattle: Referenced when the the crew picks up Kartenecker the cow in an alien store selling Earth merchandise . For example, Pidge's mental processes and skill set are given much more focus in the comic (including the fact that she keeps a mental log of her teammates' strengths and weaknesses), while Lance's unique attributes — that he genuinely believes he lacks, leading to some angst in Season 2 — are spelled out by Pidge herself.
All Your Colors Combined: It takes all five Bayards combined for Voltron to form the Blazing Sword, as shown in the season 2 finale. Alliterative Family: Allura and her father Alfor, who ruled the planet Altea. Deception Full Movie Part 1 here. Always Chaotic Evil: Averted for the Galra. Season two has the Galran Sal as the owner of the restaurant .
It also introduces the Blade of Marmora, a Galran resistance group that eventually teams up with the Paladins. They even play a large part in defeating Zarkon.
Always Save the Girl: Near the end of season 1, Allura gets captured by the Galra and the team has to decide to either leave her or risk running a Suicide Mission by attacking Zarkon's ship. Guess which one they choose? After returning to Balmera, the team discovers that Shay has been taken to the planet's center before their arrival. They suspect that it is most certainly a trap, but save her anyway. Ambiguously Brown: Princess Allura, Hunk, and Lance all now have differing shades of brown rather than just being (or looking) white.
Animesque: Obviously, given it's a reboot of an anime. Bait- and- Switch Credits: In intro features the Lions emerging from their respective hiding places from the original Voltron, which never show up on account of the series being a galaxy- spanning Space Opera instead of confined to a single planet. Voltron is also depicted destroying three Robeasts in a single slash, while in- show the Robeasts have only appeared one at a time, and only two were defeated by the sword. Beehive Barrier: All Altean barriers are blue and made up of the typical High- Tech Hexagons.
Meanwhile, all Galra barriers are red and made up of more distinct looking very evil Galra- like interlocking shapes. Between My Legs: It happens in the first episode with Shiro, but it's his suit that's being framed.
Bright Castle: The Castle of Lions has this aesthetic when grounded, especially as first seen embedded in Arus. Big, Thin, Short Trio: Hunk, Lance, and Pidge's dynamic before they joined the team proper. Bizarre Alien Biology: Alteans, while looking mostly human, can change their skin color at will and the males grow facial hair at a much earlier age than human boys. Bloodless Carnage: Most of the battles that take place outside of the Lions involve Galran Mecha- Mooks, so they can be torn apart by the heroes without mercy. Borrowed Biometric Bypass: In .
Hunk does it in . It can also be used to copy the memories of prisoners despite Coran. While the A plot about going to the mall and C plot about Allura's girl day are pretty light- hearted, the B plot about Shiro battle of will against Zarkon for the Black Lion is pretty intense and plot relevant. Brought to You by the Letter . As the series starts, it's established that Shiro has gone to space for a year, but then he returns with an alien ship, a robotic arm, and amnesia.